since u blocked me like tha bitch ass no talent havin mothafucka u are this is the onli way i can get at u
so fuck u
honestly tell me where all this bullshit ur putin out is goin? huh? u aint goin nowhere boi go on eni real site like n see if people really feel ur shit u wack mothafucka
post up a mixtape on n see how fuckin far that shit gets
evrytime sum1 sez sumthin u dont wana hear u come out with gay shit like "u steal makeup" or "u suck yo momma" n u got your head so securly inserted in ur ass that u cant imagine urself bein wack, when ur problly the wackest bastard on here, uv got no flow n no decent lyrics ur shit is jus garbage DJ SES cud hand ur ass to u eni day man i aint jus sayin that cuz im rollin with him im statin the obvious, evry one here knows it.
get tha fuck outta here with ur annoyin gay bullshit u lil punk make sum real music this is hip hop man go post ur shit in the pop section if ur gonna carry on, its real borin son
n all my beats are wack? why wud u steal wack beats? when was the last time u made a beat? when woz the last time that shit woz hot? i cant rememba hearin nothin hot from u even when we woz cool, i woz supportin u but the shit woz still wack, ur egos taken over now so ur neva gonna get eni better n ur neva gonna move from NG cuz that shit aint neva gonna work on anotha site foreal
u suck
KO -1-
Wow... I've been in the shadows too long, ain't notice you was gettin at n***a too. That's what it is, welcome aboard the "Clear NG Of Bitch Assness Express."
haha all aboard